Again, a bit hard to see, the pencil marks are never very heavy nor are the drawings ever complete. We simply draw for three hours then stop, no matter where we are and move on to another one. We will have longer set ups soon I am told. In the top drawing I was in the process of re-adjusting the center when time ran out. We are starting to add shadows, much to my relief. The second drawing was undergoing a few adjustments as well when time was called. I must admit, the top drawing left me feeling like I had been beaten black and blue. My only comfort was that my fellow students looked like they were reeling along with me by the end.
Friday we had gesture sketching with a live model in the morning and construction drawing in the afternoon, again. Last week we had a male model and this week a female. The female model is a bit more challenging to draw as we ladies have a lot more curves. I also think the female body is more fun to draw for that reason. I forget with all our culture's focus on such a narrow (and unrealistic, literally) definition on what makes a so-called "beautiful' female form just how beautiful and graceful a real woman's female form really is. It was a pleasure to realize through sketching that yes, we women are beautiful in all our shapes and sizes and no matter what our age.
The best moment of the week came, believe it or not, during construction drawing. Construction drawing starts out with a subjective drawing, we draw what we see, then we add perspective to bring in some objectivity. I finally got this concept in a large Ah Ha moment. All of a sudden everything clicked and it all made sense. My drawing snapped into shape too. We are still drawing shapes but will apply this to objects next Friday. Here is my drawing. I didn't get a chance to finish all the corrections on it but you can get the idea,

Oh, I must add at this point, we don't use rulers but draw our lines free-hand, holding the pencil in the correct manner, which isn't the same way we hold a pencil to write with. I have already adjusted to this and it is automatic. I am already addicted to drawing with my lead holder too.
The hexagon was not exactly facing me square on but slightly turned. That added a nice challenge to getting the angles and planes just right.
The other tools we use at this point are a plumb line and a dowel or rod. Soon we will also be using mirrors to aid our precision.
In the midst of all of this, it is fun to take a break and look over at what the more advanced students are doing. Not that they have it any easier than we do. I see that it will be a struggle for quite a while. I am where I need to be so "it's all good' as a certain young friend of mine likes to say. That is it for this week. I am looking forward to next week. -Renee
Your drawings are noticeably better this week. I know so little about drawing that I don't know if that's because you're adding new techniques, or if you're learning so quickly that the drawings are already improving.
It sounds pretty intense to draw that long on so many days of the week. But I'm sure that's what it takes to get good at it!
Thanks for keeping us posted and it's great that you're looking forward to your next week!
It all looks great Renee and is that a plastic viking helmet? Someone must have a sense of humor. We have one of those kicking around.
Glad the schedule is working out and even Twill is getting a little dog park time. How do you like the school so far? I had a dear friend call me last night as her daughter is looking into it. Draw on!
Thanks for the comments Sue and Theresa! My drawings look better because of all of the above Sue. We are adding new techniques and I am learning quite a lot. I must add that at this point we don't finish anything. The drawings would look a heck of a lot better if I could actually finish them. Finishing isn't the object though, learning technique is.
Yes, it is a plastic viking helmet. One of the young men at the school brought it in and it became part of the prop room. If you could see what the still life looks like in living color you would probably laugh. The strap running through the picture was florescent orange with a rhinestone buckle.
At the moment our learning curve is at a steep angle. I love school so far! It is where I am supposed to be. I have been bringing my drop spindle to relax with when I need to take a break from drawing and one of the young gals wants me to teach her how to spin. Hooray for fiber!-Renee
This is making me so nostalgic for my own time at Cornish. What a revelation that was. I am so happy for you! Go Renee!
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