Thursday, March 7, 2013

Study Day

Neahkahnie Beach
I have to admit that of all the factors that can determine whether or not I paint on the beach, the tides rule all. We are at that awkward stage in the tides when high tide comes too early and then too late for good wave painting conditions. There are places on the coast when I need a nice low tide to get access to paint but here at home, I mainly need a high tide. So, it is with great pleasure today I grabbed a sketchbook and my binoculars and hiked up the beach to just sit and study. I did not do any sketching but just watched and thought and squinted and evaluated. We shall see what happens in the next painting.
I also have to announce that I had the crazy idea to blog about clothing and food in addition to this blog. Actually, I have had the food blog for a while. My blog, Coastal Vegan, has had a long incubation period. I finally found a direction I want to go with it so will be adding to it soon.
I have a brand new blog too called  The Artful Stitch. I desperately need some clothes to wear so am beginning the long process of creating a proper wardrobe. To keep me honest, and motivated, I am going public with it. I will also be sharing skills from my secret past on that blog. Check it out when you have a moment. That is all for today. I will be either in the studio or out on the beach tomorrow...depending on the tides!

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