Sunday, November 11, 2018

Plein Air Challenges

Plein Air painting at Cape Lookout, Oregon Coast

It has been a busy day and a busy week so I will be keeping this one short. I finally took a break from my anatomy studies and went out painting. I had a particular spot in mind, only, when I got there, the waves and weather were completely different than what I had pictured in my mind to paint! That is the way it works on the coast. I did remember this other spot from an earlier visit and it did not disappoint. The only problem is, it is by the side of a road. It is a back road, but still, I don't paint along roadsides. This view! I couldn't resist so, in spite of my discomfort, I went for it. I only had about an hour and half of decent light before the sun went down and the sky was cloudy. I got a lucky sunbreak and I got as much information as I could. I will work on this in my studio to finish it.

One thing I didn't take into account is that when people drive by and see an artist painting by the side of the road, they will suddenly pull over and take a look, and then they see the view! I had a crowd behind me as I worked as fast as I could to get the painting down. Usually, I am more sociable when I am out painting but I didn't engage much in conversation as I concentrated on getting this view on canvas.

I am making progress on finding a printing service and am ready to order a few test prints of my drawings. I am still organizing and polishing up the small paintings to post for sale, very soon now.

Today I finished the week with a life drawing session, bottling my hard cider, made from apples grown in the community garden, and set up my home grown sourdough to bake tomorrow. It is a good end for a long week.

This week has been full of tragic news and my heart breaks for the families forever changed by the most recent shooting, and for those who are fleeing the fierce fires here in the west.

It has become even more important to add beauty to the world. May everyone find a bit of beauty in the coming week.


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