© 2015 R.L. Delight, Wave Study #80, 8"x10", oil on canvas
Photo taken as light was fading
I am excited to have completed wave study #80! That
means I have just 20 studies to go until I meet my goal of 100. I have
taken my time painting the studies but I don't mind. Not every day is a
good day to paint a wave study. Some days are better than most. I found I
like to paint wave studies as the tide is coming in. This way the waves
are getting closer to me. At Neahkahnie beach, the waves are just plain
more interesting around the highest part of the tide.
Today I decided to focus a bit more on getting
the color and values correct. Getting that green to be just right is
very tricky. Not only that, it changes from moment to moment when there
are clouds in the sky. Speaking of skies, I could have just as happily
painted a few cloudscapes today. That is something I haven't really done
and it is time I did. I determined from today that I really need to
just spend a bit of extra time when I am out painting just working on
color swatches. That way I don't get distracted by trying to get all the
other stuff right too.
I am happy with the colors I got in today's
painting for the most part. I only had an hour and a half due to the
timing of the tides and a few other factors. The waves in the painting
are not as fully formed as I would have liked. They still look a bit too
blocked-in and even, and the waves and water in the foreground are even
more unfinished. I was running out of light to take a finished picture
so the best picture of today's painting came from my cell phone, on
site. The light made the picture a bit pinker than it should be but I
kind of liked the effect. I will retake the photo tomorrow.
The beach as the sun was going down was
incredibly beautiful. Since I am on the West Coast of the U.S., the sun
sets into the sea and backlights the waves. There were the most
unbelievable acid greens in the water as I was packing up.
No eagle
sighting today but I did hear their musical calls behind me. They must
have been behind the trees. Here is a parting shot as I was hiking down
the beach:

© 2015 R.L. Delight
The next few
days will be spent working other jobs with a day of rest in between. I
will catch whatever time I can in the studio working on drawing skills.
Painting will resume next week!
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