Friday, December 14, 2012

Of Living a Life

Dear Friends, it has been a sad day today. This has been quite a week. In the midst of our national tragedies here in the U.S. my mate and I are faced with a few personal ones. Today along with the shock of hearing the terrible news out of Newtown, Conn. we learned that my husband's father, my father-in-law has suddenly and unexpectedly passed away. I am posting this to let you all know that it might be a few days before posting again while we make the necessary plans and travels. I would love to add a lovely poem or words of wisdom but it has been a long day and I cannot think of any at the moment.
My father-in-law lived a good life and a long life. He will be missed. We will continue our life with thoughts of him and the others who have crossed over in our hearts.
As for the families who lost their children and loved ones to unthinkable violence, my heart breaks.
I will be back to continue to paint the beauty that is necessary for living.


Theresa said...

Oh dear! Sympathies to you, your dear husband and extended family.
It has been a sad day. Big hugs and hoping that travel is easy and for the sharing of love and memories offers comfort to all.
Thoughts with you both.

Anonymous said...

Oh,Renee. I'm so sorry. I will be thinking of you and your family.

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